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American Flags made entirely from products and materials that are certified “Made in America”

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Made in USA

American Flags made entirely from products and materials that are certified “Made in America”

Real American Flag is committed to Earth Day, Every Day.

Mar 30, 2022

April is a time to welcome spring with budding trees and blossoming flowers. It’s also the month we celebrate Earth Day. Each April 22nd, we come together, all across the globe, to take action to make our environment a better place for all

Earth Day began in 1970 when thousands of colleges, universities, and faith-based organizations across the country, voiced their growing concern for the impact pollution had on the environment. The end result of the first Earth Day was actually the creation of the EAP (Environmental Protection Agency). This celebration continued each year, and twenty years after it had begun, Earth Day became a global holiday celebrated far and wide. 

Earth Day is just as important now as it was 52 years ago. People all across the globe come together each April with the common goal of a cleaner environment for our future generations. Real American Flag recognizes the importance of sustainability and values energy with minimal impacts on the environment. 

Why does Real American Flag value sustainable energy?

At Real American Flag, we recognize the importance of sustainable energy and caring for our world. We want our future generations to be able to live in a world with a cleaner, healthier environment. That means cleaner air, cleaner water, and less health impacts for our children and children’s children. We want our future generations to continue to celebrate this great country for years and years to come, which is why we continuously work with the federal government to make our manufacturing and services a cleaner, greener process.

The Real American Flag manufacturing plant is powered by a total of 341 solar panels.

How are we doing our part to utilize sustainable energy?

The Real American Flag manufacturing plant is powered by a total of 341 solar panels. Solar energy has been said to be a cornerstone for sustainable energy. Solar panels take the sun’s energy and convert it into electricity. This form of energy is far more sustainable than other types of energy, because it has a minimal impact on the environment. While it’s true that there are some emissions during the production and transportation of solar panels, it is much less than fossil fuels and far less hazardous to the environment overall. Solar energy is also safer for humans and animals. Solar panels do not damage animal habitats or ecosystems. They can be placed right on top of existing land without cutting down trees or drilling into the earth. 

How can you celebrate Earth Day?

Clean up your community. Earth Day has a global initiative called The Great Global Cleanup with the goal to remove billions of pieces of trash from the environment. You can find a clean up in your area or take the initiative and register one. 

Start planting a garden. You can often garden in your own backyard, even if you don’t have a lot of space. You can use planters and grow herbs to use for cooking. If you have room, you can also start a fruit or vegetable garden.

Fly a Real American Flag. Our flags are 100% made in the USA and made using sustainable energy through our solar powered manufacturing facility.